Thursday, July 16, 2015

Build Dynamically CAML Query in SharePoint 2013 Client Object Model

Build Dynamically CAML Query in SharePoint 2013 Client Object Model :- 
public class CamlQueryElements
        public string LogicalJoin { get; set; }
        public string ComparisonOperators { get; set; }
        public string FieldName { get; set; }
        public string FieldType { get; set; }
        public string FieldValue { get; set; }

internal DataTable GetReturnTable(ClientContext clientContext, string strKeyWordSearch)
            bool isExist = false;
            string status = string.Empty;
            string strWhere = string.Empty;
            DataTable dtReturn = new DataTable();
            DataRow dr;
            Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List returnList = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("LIST_NAME");
            IList<CamlQueryElements> lstOfElement = new List<CamlQueryElements>();
            lstOfElement.Add(new CamlQueryElements { ComparisonOperators = "Contains", FieldName = "Column1", FieldType = "Text", FieldValue = strKeyWordSearch, LogicalJoin = "Or" });
            lstOfElement.Add(new CamlQueryElements { ComparisonOperators = "Eq", FieldName = "Column2", FieldType = "DateTime", FieldValue = strKeyWordSearch, LogicalJoin = "Or" });
            lstOfElement.Add(new CamlQueryElements { ComparisonOperators = "Contains", FieldName = "Column3", FieldType = "Text", FieldValue = strKeyWordSearch, LogicalJoin = "Or" });
            lstOfElement.Add(new CamlQueryElements { ComparisonOperators = "Contains", FieldName = "Column4", FieldType = "Text", FieldValue = strKeyWordSearch, LogicalJoin = "Or" });           
            lstOfElement.Add(new CamlQueryElements { ComparisonOperators = "IsNotNull", FieldName = "ID", FieldType = "", FieldValue = "", LogicalJoin = "And" });
            lstOfElement.Add(new CamlQueryElements { ComparisonOperators = "Eq", FieldName = "Column5", FieldType = "Text", FieldValue = "Open", LogicalJoin = "And" });
            strWhere = GenerateQuery(lstOfElement);
            if (returnList != null && returnList.ItemCount > 0 && strWhere != null && strWhere.ToString() != "")
                Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery camlQuery = new CamlQuery();
                camlQuery.ViewXml =
                    @"<View>" +
                        "<Query>" +
                            strWhere +
                        "<OrderBy><FieldRef Name='ID' Ascending='FALSE' /></OrderBy>" +
                        "</Query>" +
                        "<ViewFields>" +
                            "<FieldRef Name='ID' />" +
                            "<FieldRef Name='ReqeuestID' />" +
                        "</ViewFields>" +
                    "<RowLimit>30</RowLimit>" +
                SPClient.ListItemCollection returnListItems = returnList.GetItems(camlQuery);
                if (returnListItems != null && returnListItems.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var field in returnListItems[0].FieldValues.Keys)
                    isExist = IsFieldExists(dtReturn, "Days");
                    if (!isExist)
                    foreach (var item in returnListItems)
                        dr = dtReturn.NewRow();
                        foreach (var obj in item.FieldValues)
                            if (obj.Key == "ID")
                            if (obj.Value != null)
                                string type = obj.Value.GetType().FullName;
                                if (type == "Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldLookupValue")
                                    dr[obj.Key] = ((FieldLookupValue)obj.Value).LookupValue;
                                else if (type == "Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue")
                                    dr[obj.Key] = ((FieldUserValue)obj.Value).LookupValue;
                                else if (type == "Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue[]")
                                    FieldUserValue[] multValue = (FieldUserValue[])obj.Value;
                                    foreach (FieldUserValue fieldUserValue in multValue)
                                        dr[obj.Key] += (fieldUserValue).LookupValue + "<br>";
                                else if (type == "System.DateTime")
                                    if (obj.Value.ToString().Length > 0)
                                        var date = obj.Value.ToString().Split(' ');
                                        if (date[0].Length > 0)
                                            if (obj.Key == "ReturnDate")
                                                dr[obj.Key] = date[0];
                                                DateTime dtReturnDate = DateTime.Parse(date[0]);
                                                DateTime TodayDate = Common.getTodayDateTime();
                                                TimeSpan ts = TodayDate - dtReturnDate;
                                                dr["Days"] = ts.Days.ToString();
                                                dr[obj.Key] = date[0];
                                    dr[obj.Key] = obj.Value;
                                dr[obj.Key] = null;
            return dtReturn;

        internal static string GenerateQuery(IList<CamlQueryElements> camlIlist)
            StringBuilder queryJoin = new StringBuilder();
            string query;
            if (camlIlist.Count > 0)
                int itemCount = 0;
                foreach (CamlQueryElements element in camlIlist)
                    if (element.ComparisonOperators.ToString() != "IsNotNull")
                        query = @"<{0}><FieldRef Name='{1}' /><Value {2} Type='{3}'>{4}</Value></{5}>";
                        query = @"<{0}><FieldRef Name='{1}' /></{5}>";
                    string date = string.Empty;                   
                    if (String.Compare(element.FieldType, "DateTime", true) == 0)
                        date = "IncludeTimeValue='false'";
                        DateTime dt = new DateTime();
                        if (element.FieldValue.IndexOf("/") != -1)
                            DateTime.TryParse(element.FieldValue, out dt);
                            element.FieldValue = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    queryJoin.AppendFormat(string.Format(query, element.ComparisonOperators, element.FieldName, date, element.FieldType, element.FieldValue, element.ComparisonOperators));
                    if (itemCount >= 2)
                        queryJoin.Insert(0, string.Format("<{0}>", element.LogicalJoin));
                        queryJoin.Append(string.Format("</{0}>", element.LogicalJoin));
                queryJoin.Insert(0, "<Where>");
            return Convert.ToString(queryJoin);

        internal static bool IsFieldExists(DataTable dt, string FieldName)
            bool IsFieldExists = false;
            for (int I = 0; I < dt.Columns.Count; I++)
                if (dt.Columns[I].ColumnName.ToUpper() == FieldName.ToUpper())
                    IsFieldExists = true;
            return IsFieldExists;

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Read User Properties From Active Directory

Read User Properties From Active Directory:-
lblMessage.Text = GetEmployeeID(""); 
internal static string GetEmployeeID (string strmail)
            StringBuilder sbQuery = new StringBuilder();
            string stremployeeid = string.Empty;           
            string strLdapPath = "LDAP://DC=company_domain,DC=com";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(sbQuery)))
                    sbQuery.Append("(&(objectClass=user)(|(mail=" + strmail + ")");
                DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(strLdapPath);
                DirectorySearcher userSearch = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
                userSearch.Filter = Convert.ToString(sbQuery);
                SearchResultCollection sresultcoll = userSearch.FindAll();
                foreach (SearchResult sresult in sresultcoll)
                    if (sresult != null)
                        if (sresult.Properties["mail"].Count == 1)
                            stremployeeid = sresult.Properties["employeeid"].Count > 0 ? Convert.ToString(sresult.Properties["employeeid"][0]) : string.Empty;
                            if (stremployeeid != null && stremployeeid.Length > 0)
                                return stremployeeid;
            catch (Exception ex)
            return stremployeeid;

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