Client Side rendering (CSR) in SharePoint.
1. Priority color
2. Substring long text
3. Confidential Documents
4. HTML5 number input
5. Percent Complete
6. Accordion
7. Email Regex Validator
8. Read-Only SP Controls
9. Hidden Field
10. Hide Empty Column
11. Form Tabs
12. Repeater
13. Fully customized forms with CSRListForm
14. Dependent Fields
1. Priority color:
1. Create a Task list named as 'CSRPriorityColor'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
(function () {
Create object that has the context information about the field that we want to
render differently
var priorityFiledContext = {};
priorityFiledContext.Templates = {};
priorityFiledContext.Templates.Fields = {
// Apply
the new rendering for Priority field in List View
"Priority": { "View": priorityFiledTemplate }
This function provides the rendering logic for list view
function priorityFiledTemplate(ctx) {
var priority = ctx.CurrentItem[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name];
Return html element with appropriate color based on priority value
switch (priority) {
case "(1) High":
return "<span style='color
:#f00'>" + priority + "</span>";
case "(2) Normal":
return "<span style='color
:#ff6a00'>" + priority + "</span>";
case "(3) Low":
return "<span style='color
:#cab023'>" + priority + "</span>";
4. Go to list and edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and copy JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
2. Substring long text:
1. Create a Announcements list named as 'CSRSubstringlongtext'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
4. Go to list and edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and copy JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
2. Substring long text:
1. Create a Announcements list named as 'CSRSubstringlongtext'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
(function () {
Create object that has the context information about the field that we want to
render differently
var bodyFiledContext = {};
bodyFiledContext.Templates = {};
bodyFiledContext.Templates.Fields = {
// Apply
the new rendering for Body field in list view
"Body": { "View": bodyFiledTemplate }
This function provides the rendering logic
function bodyFiledTemplate(ctx) {
var bodyValue = ctx.CurrentItem[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name];
regex expression use to delete html tags from the Body field
var regex = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig;
bodyValue = bodyValue.replace(regex, "");
var newBodyValue = bodyValue;
if (bodyValue && bodyValue.length >= 100)
newBodyValue = bodyValue.substring(0,
100) + " ...";
return "<span
title='" + bodyValue + "'>" +
newBodyValue + "</span>";
------------------4. Go to list and edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and copy JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
3. Confidential Documents:
1. Create a Document Library list named as 'CSRConfidentialDocuments'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
4. Go to list and edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and copy JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
4. HTML5 number input:
1. Create a custom list named as 'HTML5NumberInputList'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
4. Go to list and click on 'New Item' to create new item then 'NewForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
5. Go to list and select an item and click on edit item then 'EditForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
6. Test now
This below image showing 'NewForm.aspx' and 'EditForm.aspx' page before apply 'HTML5NumberInput.js' code.
5. Percent Complete:
1. Create a Task list named as 'CSRTasksPercentComplete'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
4. Go to list and edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and copy JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
6. Accordion:
1. Create a custom list named as 'CSRAccordion'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
4. Go to list and edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and copy JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
7. Email Regex Validator:
1. Create a custom list named as 'CSREmailRegexValidator'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
4. Go to list and click on 'New Item' to create new item then 'NewForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
5. Go to list and select an item and click on edit item then 'EditForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
6. Test now
8. Read-Only SP Controls:
1. Create a Task list named as 'CSR-Read-only-SP-Controls'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
4. Go to list and select an item and click on edit item then 'EditForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
5. Test now
This below image showing 'EditForm.aspx' page before apply 'ReadOnlySPControls.js' code.
This below image showing 'EditForm.aspx' page after apply 'ReadOnlySPControls.js' code.
9. Hidden Field:
1. Create a task list named as 'CSR-Hide-Controls'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file 'HiddenField.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
4. Go to list and click on 'New Item' to create new item then 'NewForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
5. Go to list and select an item and click on edit item then 'EditForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
6. Test now
This below image showing 'NewForm.aspx' and 'EditForm.aspx' page before apply 'HiddenField.js' code.
This below image showing 'NewForm.aspx' and 'EditForm.aspx' page after apply 'HiddenField.js' code.
10. Hide Empty Column:
1. Create a task list named as 'CSR-Hide-Empty-Column '.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file 'HideEmptyColumn.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
4. Go to list and edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and copy JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
~sitecollection/Style Library/JSLink-Samples/HideEmptyColumn.js
5. Test now
Go to list page, check before apply 'HideEmptyColumn.js' code, "Link"Column hided.
11. Form Tabs:
1. Create a custom list named as 'Form Tabs Custom List'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
4. Go to list and click on 'New Item' to create new item then 'NewForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
5. Go to list and select an item and click on edit item then 'EditForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
6. Test now
This below image showing 'NewForm.aspx' page before apply 'Tabs.js' code.
12. Repeater:
1. Create a custom list named as 'Repeater Custom List'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
4. Go to list and edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
5. Go to list and click on 'New Item' to create new item then 'NewForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
6. Go to list and select an item and click on edit item then 'EditForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
7. Go to list and select an item and click on item to open item then 'DispForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
8. Test now.
This image show create item in list before apply 'BasicRepeater.js' code
3. Confidential Documents:
1. Create a Document Library list named as 'CSRConfidentialDocuments'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
(function () {
Create object that has the context information about the field that we want to
render differently
var linkFilenameFiledContext = {};
linkFilenameFiledContext.Templates = {};
linkFilenameFiledContext.Templates.Fields =
// Apply
the new rendering for LinkFilename field in list view
"LinkFilename": { "View": linkFilenameFiledTemplate }
This function provides the rendering logic
function linkFilenameFiledTemplate(ctx) {
var confidential = ctx.CurrentItem["Confidential"];
var title = ctx.CurrentItem["FileLeafRef"];
// This
Regex expression use to delete extension (.docx, .pdf ...) form the file name
title = title.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "")
// Check
confidential field value
if (confidential && confidential.toLowerCase() == 'yes') {
Render HTML that contains the file name and the confidential icon
return title + " <img
src= '" +
_spPageContextInfo.siteServerRelativeUrl + "/Style%20Library/JSLink-Samples/imgs/Confidential.png'
alt='Confidential Document' title='Confidential Document'/>";
else {
return title;
------------------4. Go to list and edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and copy JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
4. HTML5 number input:
1. Create a custom list named as 'HTML5NumberInputList'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
(function () {
Create object that have the context information about the field that we want to
change it's output render
var ageFiledContext = {};
ageFiledContext.Templates = {};
ageFiledContext.Templates.Fields = {
// Apply
the new rendering for Age field on New and Edit forms
"Age": {
"NewForm": ageFiledTemplate,
"EditForm": ageFiledTemplate
This function provides the rendering logic
function ageFiledTemplate(ctx) {
var formCtx =
Register a callback just before submit.
formCtx.registerGetValueCallback(formCtx.fieldName, function () {
return document.getElementById('inpAge').value;
Render Html5 input (number)
return "<input
type='number' id='inpAge' min='18' max='110' value='" + formCtx.fieldValue + "'/>";
------------------4. Go to list and click on 'New Item' to create new item then 'NewForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
5. Go to list and select an item and click on edit item then 'EditForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
6. Test now
This below image showing 'NewForm.aspx' and 'EditForm.aspx' page before apply 'HTML5NumberInput.js' code.
This below image showing 'NewForm.aspx' and 'EditForm.aspx' page after apply 'HTML5NumberInput.js' code.
5. Percent Complete:
1. Create a Task list named as 'CSRTasksPercentComplete'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
(function () {
Create object that has the context information about the field that we want to
render differently
var percentCompleteFiledContext = {};
percentCompleteFiledContext.Templates = {};
= {
// Apply
the new rendering for PercentComplete field in List View, Display, New and Edit
"PercentComplete": {
"View": percentCompleteViewFiledTemplate,
"DisplayForm": percentCompleteViewFiledTemplate,
"NewForm": percentCompleteEditFiledTemplate,
"EditForm": percentCompleteEditFiledTemplate
This function provides the rendering logic for View and Display form
function percentCompleteViewFiledTemplate(ctx) {
var percentComplete =
return "<div
style='background-color: #e5e5e5; width: 100px;
display:inline-block;'> \
<div style='width: " + percentComplete.replace(/\s+/g, '') + "; background-color:
#0094ff;'> \
</div></div> " + percentComplete;
This function provides the rendering logic for New and Edit forms
function percentCompleteEditFiledTemplate(ctx) {
var formCtx =
Register a callback just before submit.
formCtx.registerGetValueCallback(formCtx.fieldName, function () {
return document.getElementById('inpPercentComplete').value;
return "<input
type='range' id='inpPercentComplete' name='inpPercentComplete' min='0'
max='100' \
value='" + formCtx.fieldValue + "' /> \
name='outPercentComplete' for='inpPercentComplete' >" + formCtx.fieldValue + "</output>%";
------------------4. Go to list and edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and copy JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
6. Accordion:
1. Create a custom list named as 'CSRAccordion'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
(function () {
jQuery library is required in this sample
Fallback to loading jQuery from a CDN path if the local is unavailable
(window.jQuery || document.write('<script
Create object that has the context information about the field that we want to
render differently
var accordionContext = {};
accordionContext.Templates = {};
// Be
careful when adding the header for the template, because it will break the
default list view render
accordionContext.Templates.Header = "<div class='accordion'>";
accordionContext.Templates.Footer = "</div>";
// Add
OnPostRender event handler to add accordion click events and style
accordionContext.OnPostRender =
// This
line of code tells the TemplateManager that we want to change all the HTML for
item row rendering
accordionContext.Templates.Item =
This function provides the rendering logic
function accordionTemplate(ctx) {
var title = ctx.CurrentItem["Title"];
var description = ctx.CurrentItem["Description"];
Return whole item html
return "<h2>" + title + "</h2><p>" + description + "</p><br/>";
function accordionOnPostRender() {
Register event to collapse and expand when clicking on accordion header
h2').click(function () {
h2').css('cursor', 'pointer');
------------------4. Go to list and edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and copy JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
7. Email Regex Validator:
1. Create a custom list named as 'CSREmailRegexValidator'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
(function () {
Create object that has the context information about the field that we want to
render differently
var emailFiledContext = {};
emailFiledContext.Templates = {};
emailFiledContext.Templates.Fields = {
// Apply
the new rendering for Email field on New and Edit Forms
"Email": {
"NewForm": emailFiledTemplate,
"EditForm": emailFiledTemplate
This function provides the rendering logic
function emailFiledTemplate(ctx) {
var formCtx =
Register a callback just before submit.
formCtx.registerGetValueCallback(formCtx.fieldName, function () {
return document.getElementById('inpEmail').value;
container for various validations
var validators = new SPClientForms.ClientValidation.ValidatorSet();
validators.RegisterValidator(new emailValidator());
Validation failure handler.
formCtx.registerClientValidator(formCtx.fieldName, validators);
return "<span
dir='none'><input type='text' value='" +
formCtx.fieldValue + "' maxlength='255' id='inpEmail'
class='ms-long'> \
<br><span id='spnError'
Custom validation object to validate email format
= function
() {
emailValidator.prototype.Validate = function (value) {
var isError = false;
var errorMessage = "";
if (!validateEmail(value)) {
isError = true;
errorMessage = "Invalid email address";
error message to error callback function (emailOnError)
return new SPClientForms.ClientValidation.ValidationResult(isError,
function validateEmail(email) {
var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/;
return re.test(email);
Add error message to spnError element under the input field element
function emailOnError(error) {
= "<span role='alert'>" + error.errorMessage + "</span>";
------------------4. Go to list and click on 'New Item' to create new item then 'NewForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
5. Go to list and select an item and click on edit item then 'EditForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
6. Test now
8. Read-Only SP Controls:
1. Create a Task list named as 'CSR-Read-only-SP-Controls'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
(function () {
Create object that has the context information about the field that we want to
render differently
var readonlyFiledContext = {};
readonlyFiledContext.Templates = {};
readonlyFiledContext.Templates.Fields = {
// Apply
the new rendering for Title, AssignedTo, and Priority fields on Edit forms
"Title": {
"EditForm": readonlyFieldTemplate
"AssignedTo": {
"EditForm": readonlyFieldTemplate
"Priority": {
"EditForm": readonlyFieldTemplate
This function provides the rendering logic
function readonlyFieldTemplate(ctx) {
SharePoint JavaScript libraries
switch (ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.FieldType) {
case "Text":
case "Number":
case "Integer":
case "Currency":
case "Choice":
case "Computed":
return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(ctx);
case "MultiChoice":
return SPField_FormDisplay_Default(ctx);
case "Boolean":
return SPField_FormDisplay_DefaultNoEncode(ctx);
case "Note":
return SPFieldNote_Display(ctx);
case "File":
return SPFieldFile_Display(ctx);
case "Lookup":
case "LookupMulti":
return SPFieldLookup_Display(ctx);
case "URL":
return RenderFieldValueDefault(ctx);
case "User":
return SPFieldUser_Display(ctx);
case "UserMulti":
return SPFieldUserMulti_Display(ctx);
case "DateTime":
return SPFieldDateTime_Display(ctx);
case "Attachments":
return SPFieldAttachments_Default(ctx);
case "TaxonomyFieldType":
JavaScript from the sp.ui.taxonomy.js SharePoint JavaScript library
control need specific formatted value to render content correctly
function prepareUserFieldValue(ctx) {
var item = ctx['CurrentItem'];
var userField = item[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name];
var fieldValue = "";
for (var i = 0; i < userField.length; i++) {
fieldValue +=
userField[i].EntityData.SPUserID +
SPClientTemplates.Utility.UserLookupDelimitString + userField[i].DisplayText;
if ((i + 1) != userField.length) {
fieldValue +=
ctx["CurrentFieldValue"] = fieldValue;
control need specific formatted value to render content correctly
function prepareMultiChoiceFieldValue(ctx) {
if (ctx["CurrentFieldValue"]) {
var fieldValue = ctx["CurrentFieldValue"];
var find = ';#';
var regExpObj = new RegExp(find, 'g');
fieldValue =
fieldValue.replace(regExpObj, '; ');
fieldValue = fieldValue.replace(/^; /g, '');
fieldValue = fieldValue.replace(/; $/g, '');
ctx["CurrentFieldValue"] = fieldValue;
control need specific formatted value to render content correctly
function prepareNoteFieldValue(ctx) {
if (ctx["CurrentFieldValue"]) {
var fieldValue = ctx["CurrentFieldValue"];
fieldValue = "<div>" +
fieldValue.replace(/\n/g, '<br />'); + "</div>";
ctx["CurrentFieldValue"] = fieldValue;
5. Test now
This below image showing 'EditForm.aspx' page before apply 'ReadOnlySPControls.js' code.
This below image showing 'EditForm.aspx' page after apply 'ReadOnlySPControls.js' code.
9. Hidden Field:
1. Create a task list named as 'CSR-Hide-Controls'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file 'HiddenField.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
(function () {
jQuery library is required in this sample
Fallback to loading jQuery from a CDN path if the local is unavailable
(window.jQuery || document.write('<script
Create object that has the context information about the field that we want to
render differently
var hiddenFiledContext = {};
hiddenFiledContext.Templates = {};
hiddenFiledContext.Templates.OnPostRender =
hiddenFiledContext.Templates.Fields = {
// Apply
the new rendering for Predecessors field in New and Edit forms
"Predecessors": {
"NewForm": hiddenFiledTemplate,
"EditForm": hiddenFiledTemplate
This function provides the rendering logic
function hiddenFiledTemplate() {
return "<span
This function provides the rendering logic
function hiddenFiledOnPreRender(ctx) {
4. Go to list and click on 'New Item' to create new item then 'NewForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
5. Go to list and select an item and click on edit item then 'EditForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
6. Test now
This below image showing 'NewForm.aspx' and 'EditForm.aspx' page before apply 'HiddenField.js' code.
This below image showing 'NewForm.aspx' and 'EditForm.aspx' page after apply 'HiddenField.js' code.
10. Hide Empty Column:
1. Create a task list named as 'CSR-Hide-Empty-Column '.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file 'HideEmptyColumn.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
(function () {
jQuery library is required in this sample
Fallback to loading jQuery from a CDN path if the local is unavailable
(window.jQuery || document.write('<script
Create object that have the context information about the field that we want to
change it's output render
var linkFiledContext = {};
linkFiledContext.Templates = {};
// Add
OnPostRender event handler to hide the column if empty
linkFiledContext.OnPostRender =
function linkOnPostRender(ctx)
var linkCloumnIsEmpty = 1;
for (i = 0; i < ctx.ListData.Row.length; i++) {
if (ctx.ListData.Row[i]["Link"])
linkCloumnIsEmpty = 0;
"Link" column if it is empty
if (linkCloumnIsEmpty) {
var cell = $("div
var cellIndex = cell[0].cellIndex + 1;
$('td:nth-child(' + cellIndex + ')').hide();
$('th:nth-child(' + cellIndex + ')').hide();
4. Go to list and edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and copy JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
~sitecollection/Style Library/JSLink-Samples/HideEmptyColumn.js
5. Test now
Go to list page, check before apply 'HideEmptyColumn.js' code, "Link"Column hided.
11. Form Tabs:
1. Create a custom list named as 'Form Tabs Custom List'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
var currentFormUniqueId;
var currentFormWebPartId;
Use "Multi String" javascript to embed the required css
var MultiString = function (f) {
return f.toString().split('\n').slice(1, -1).join('\n');
var tabsStyle = MultiString(function () {/**
1px solid #ddd;
" ";
> li {
float: left;
margin-bottom: -1px;
position: relative;
display: block;
> li > a {
margin-right: 2px;
line-height: 1.42857143;
border: 1px solid transparent;
position: relative;
display: block;
padding: 10px 15px;
a {
color: #428bca;
text-decoration: none;
> > a, .tabs > > a:hover, .tabs >
> a:focus {
color: #555;
background-color: #fff;
border: 1px solid #ddd;
border-bottom-color: transparent;
cursor: default;
var tabsObj = [
["General", ["Title", "Column01", "Column02", "Column03", "Column04"]],
["Work", ["Column05", "Column06", "Column07"]],
["Other", ["Column08"]]
(function () {
jQuery library is required in this sample
Fallback to loading jQuery from a CDN path if the local is unavailable
(window.jQuery || document.write('<script
var tabsContext = {};
tabsContext.OnPreRender = TabsOnPreRender;
tabsContext.OnPostRender =
accordionContext.OnPostRender = accordionOnPostRender;
tabsContext.Templates = {};
function TabsOnPreRender(ctx) {
if (!currentFormUniqueId) {
currentFormUniqueId = ctx.FormUniqueId;
currentFormWebPartId = "WebPart" +
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
var tabHTMLTemplate = "<li
class='{class}'><a href='#{Index}'>{Title}</a></li>";
var tabClass;
var tabsHTML = "";
for (var i = 0; i < tabsObj.length; i++) {
tabClass = "";
if (i == 0){ tabClass = "active";}
tabsHTML +=
tabHTMLTemplate.replace(/{Index}/g, i).replace(/{Title}/g, tabsObj[i][0]).replace(/{class}/g, tabClass)
jQuery("#" +
class='tabs'>" + tabsHTML + "</ul>");
jQuery('.tabs li a').on('click', function (e) {
var currentIndex = jQuery(this).attr('href').replace("#","");
jQuery("#" + currentFormWebPartId).prepend("<style>" +
tabsStyle + "</style>");
function TabsOnPostRender(ctx) {
var controlId = ctx.ListSchema.Field[0].Name + "_" +
jQuery("[id^='" + controlId + "']").closest("tr").attr('id', 'tr_' + ctx.ListSchema.Field[0].Name).hide();
function showTabControls(index)
jQuery("#" + currentFormWebPartId + "
for (var i = 0; i < tabsObj[index][1].length; i++) {
jQuery("[id^='tr_" + tabsObj[index][1][i] + "']").show();
------------------4. Go to list and click on 'New Item' to create new item then 'NewForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
5. Go to list and select an item and click on edit item then 'EditForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
This below image showing 'NewForm.aspx' page before apply 'Tabs.js' code.
This below image showing 'NewForm.aspx' page after apply 'Tabs.js' code.
This below image showing ''EditForm.aspx' page after apply 'Tabs.js' code.
This below image showing ''DispForm.aspx' page before 'Tabs.js' code.
Current 'Tabs.js' does not support 'DispForm.aspx' page.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12. Repeater:
1. Create a custom list named as 'Repeater Custom List'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
var repeaterFormArr = [
type='text' id='nameInput' placeholder='Full Name' required class='ms-long
type='number' id='ageInput' placeholder='Age' required style='padding: 2px
4px;' class='ms-long ms-spellcheck-true'>",
type='text' id='ssnInput' placeholder='SSN'
pattern=\"^\\d{3}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}$\" title='###-##-####' class='ms-long
var ControlRenderMode;
var repeaterFormValues = [];
(function () {
Create object that have the context information about the field that we want to
change it's output render
var repeaterFiledContext = {};
repeaterFiledContext.Templates = {};
repeaterFiledContext.Templates.Fields = {
// Apply
the new rendering for Age field on New and Edit forms
"Dependents": {
"View": RepeaterFiledViewTemplate,
"DisplayForm": RepeaterFiledViewTemplate,
"NewForm": RepeaterFiledEditFTemplate,
"EditForm": RepeaterFiledEditFTemplate
This function provides the rendering logic
function RepeaterFiledViewTemplate(ctx) {
ControlRenderMode = ctx.ControlMode;
if (ctx.CurrentItem[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name] &&
ctx.CurrentItem[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name] != '[]') {
var fieldValue =
ctx.CurrentItem[ctx.CurrentFieldSchema.Name].replace(/"/g, "\"").replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/g, "");
repeaterFormValues =
return GetRenderHtmlRepeaterValues();
This function provides the rendering logic
function RepeaterFiledEditFTemplate(ctx) {
ControlRenderMode = ctx.ControlMode;
var formCtx =
if (formCtx.fieldValue) {
repeaterFormValues =
Register a callback just before submit.
formCtx.registerGetValueCallback(formCtx.fieldName, function () {
return JSON.stringify(repeaterFormValues);
var index;
var HTMLViewTemplate = "<form
id='innerForm' onsubmit='return AddItem();'>{Controls}<div><input
type='submit' value='Add'
var returnHTML = "";
for (index = 0; index < repeaterFormArr.length; ++index) {
returnHTML += repeaterFormArr[index];
returnHTML = HTMLViewTemplate.replace(/{Controls}/g,
returnHTML = returnHTML.replace(/{RepeaterValues}/g,
return returnHTML;
function GetRenderHtmlRepeaterValues() {
var index;
var innerindex;
var HTMLItemsTemplate = "<table
width='100%' style='border:1px solid #ababab;'>{Items}</table>";
var HTMLItemTemplate = "<tr>{Item}</tr>";
var HTMLValueTemplate = "<td>{Value}</td>";
if (ControlRenderMode ==
SPClientTemplates.ClientControlMode.EditForm || ControlRenderMode ==
SPClientTemplates.ClientControlMode.NewForm) {
HTMLItemTemplate = "<tr>{Item}<td><a href='javascript:DeleteItem({Index});'>Delete</a></td></tr>";
var returnHTML = "";
var tempValueHtml;
for (index = 0; index < repeaterFormValues.length;
++index) {
tempValueHtml = "";
for (innerindex = 0; innerindex <
repeaterFormValues[index].length; ++innerindex) {
tempValueHtml +=
HTMLValueTemplate.replace(/{Value}/g, repeaterFormValues[index][innerindex]["Value"]);
returnHTML += HTMLItemTemplate.replace(/{Item}/g, tempValueHtml);
returnHTML = returnHTML.replace(/{Index}/g, index);
if (repeaterFormValues.length) {
returnHTML = HTMLItemsTemplate.replace(/{Items}/g, returnHTML);
return returnHTML;
function AddItem() {
var innerForm = document.getElementById('innerForm');
if (innerForm.checkValidity()) {
var index;
var tempRepeaterValue = [];
for (index = 0; index < innerForm.length; index++) {
if (innerForm[index].type != "submit" && innerForm[index].type != "button"
&& innerForm[index].type != "reset") {
"Value": innerForm[index].value
innerForm[index].value = "";
document.getElementById("divRepeaterValues").innerHTML = GetRenderHtmlRepeaterValues();
return false;
function DeleteItem(index) {
repeaterFormValues.splice(index, 1);
document.getElementById("divRepeaterValues").innerHTML = GetRenderHtmlRepeaterValues();
------------------4. Go to list and edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
5. Go to list and click on 'New Item' to create new item then 'NewForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
6. Go to list and select an item and click on edit item then 'EditForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
7. Go to list and select an item and click on item to open item then 'DispForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
8. Test now.
This image show create item in list before apply 'BasicRepeater.js' code
This below image shown create new item in list after apply 'BasicRepeater.js' code.
This image showing item display view.
This image showing item editing view.
13. Fully customized forms with CSRListForm:
1. Create a custom list named as 'Fully customized forms with CSRListForm List'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
4. Go to list and click on 'New Item' to create new item then 'NewForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
5. Go to list and select an item and click on edit item then 'EditForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
6. Go to list and select an item and click on item to open item then 'DispForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
7. Test now
This below image showing before apply 'FullyCustomizedForm.js' code.
13. Fully customized forms with CSRListForm:
1. Create a custom list named as 'Fully customized forms with CSRListForm List'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
(function () {
Create object that have the context information about the field that we want to
change it's output render
var formTemplate = {};
formTemplate.Templates = {};
formTemplate.Templates.View = viewTemplate;
This function provides the rendering logic for the Custom Form
function viewTemplate(ctx) {
var formTable = "".concat("<table
width='100%' cellpadding='5'>",
"<td><input type='button' value='Save'
style='margin-left:0' ></td>",
the tokens with the default sharepoint controls
formTable = formTable.replace("{{TitleCtrl}}",
getSPFieldRender(ctx, "Title"));
formTable = formTable.replace("{{DateCtrl}}",
getSPFieldRender(ctx, "Date"));
formTable = formTable.replace("{{CategoryCtrl}}",
getSPFieldRender(ctx, "Category"));
formTable = formTable.replace("{{ActiveCtrl}}",
getSPFieldRender(ctx, "Active"));
formTable = formTable.replace("{{FormId}}",
return formTable;
function code set the required properties and call the OOTB (default) function
that use to render Sharepoint Fields
function getSPFieldRender(ctx, fieldName){
var fieldContext = ctx;
the filed Schema
var result = ctx.ListSchema.Field.filter(function( obj ) {
return obj.Name == fieldName;
the field Schema & default value
fieldContext.CurrentFieldSchema =
fieldContext.CurrentFieldValue =
//Call OOTB field render function
return ctx.Templates.Fields[fieldName](fieldContext);
------------------4. Go to list and click on 'New Item' to create new item then 'NewForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
5. Go to list and select an item and click on edit item then 'EditForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
6. Go to list and select an item and click on item to open item then 'DispForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
7. Test now
This below image showing before apply 'FullyCustomizedForm.js' code.
This below image showing after apply 'FullyCustomizedForm.js' code.
This is create new item view.
This below image is view item.
This below image is edit item view.
14. Dependent Fields:
1. Create a custom list named as 'CSRDependentFieldsCars'.
2. Create a list columns as shown below.
3. Create a custom list named as 'CSRDependentFields'.
4. Create a list columns as shown below.
As shown in below image, in this 'CSRDependentFields' list 'Car' column is lookup column and value is 'Title' column from 'CSRDependentFieldsCars' list.
5. Write below code in notepad save as JavaScript file '.js' and upload into SharePoint site assets library and copy this file URL for future reference.
(function () {
Templates: {
OnPostRender: function (ctx) {
var colorField = window[ctx.FormUniqueId + "FormCtx"].ListSchema["Color"];
var colorFieldControlId = colorField.Name + "_" +
colorField.Id + "_$RadioButton" + colorField.FieldType + "Field";
var f = ctx.ListSchema.Field[0];
if (f.Name == "Car") {
var fieldControl = $get(f.Name +
"_" + f.Id + "_$" + f.FieldType + "Field");
$addHandler(fieldControl, "change", function (e) {
// first, let's hide all the colors - while the
information is loading
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
$get(colorFieldControlId + i) = "none";
var newValue = fieldControl.value;
var newText =
var context =
// here add logic for fetching information from an external
// based on newText and newValue
context.executeQueryAsync(function () {
// fill this array according to the results of the async
var showColors = [];
if (newText == "Kia Soul")
showColors = [0, 2, 3];
if (newText == "Fiat 500L")
showColors = [1, 4];
if (newText == "BMW X5")
showColors = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
// now, display the relevant ones
for (var i = 0; i <
showColors.length; i++)
$get(colorFieldControlId + showColors[i]) = "";
function (sender, args) {
alert("Error! " +
} else if (f.Name == "Color") {
// initialization: hiding all the choices. first user must
select a car
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
$get(colorFieldControlId + i) = "none";
6. Go to list and click on 'New Item' to create new item then 'NewForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
7. Go to list and select an item and click on edit item then 'EditForm.aspx' form will be open, edit page and edit list view web part and expand 'Miscellaneous' section and paste JavaScript file reference URL into JS Link textbox. Click 'Ok' to save and close.
8. Test now
This below image showing before apply 'DependentFields.js code.
so all colors are showing even nothing (none) selected in Car column.
This below image showing after apply 'DependentFields.js' code.
so if no Car select then no color will show.
This below showing for 'Chervolet Trax' car no color showing in Color column, this is not a error, this is done in coding to show no color in Color column.
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