Wednesday, June 15, 2022



Install the following:

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Yammer Embed code

 Yammer Embed code


1. IFrame:

<iframe name="embed-feed" title="Yammer" src= style="border: 0px; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: 100%; min-height: 400px;"></iframe>


2. Content Editor Webpart:

<div id="embedded-feed" style="height:500px"></div>

<script type="text/javascript" src=></script>

<script type="text/javascript">


    container: "#embedded-feed",

    network: "",

    feedType: "open-graph",

    config: {

        defaultGroupId: "w1Z2S3I6Ikdyb3DY5OTU3Nzc1M",

        showOpenGraphPreview: true,

        promptText: "Comment on this page",

        header: false, 

        footer: false


    objectProperties: {


        type: "page",

        title: "my test page"






Sunday, March 6, 2022

Tips and Trick for SharePoint

Get started with SharePoint Online Management Shell

Get-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -ListAvailable | Select Name,Version
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -Scope CurrentUser
Update-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell

Connect-SPOService -Url -Credential #For Non-MFA
Connect-SPOService -Url #For MFA

Start-SPOSiteRename -Identity -NewSiteUrl -ValidationOnly

Start-SPOSiteRename -Identity -NewSiteUrl

Remove-SPOSite -Identity

Fix “Connect-SPOService : The term ‘Connect-SPOService’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.” Error

1. You can download and install SharePoint Online Management Shell to your client machine:

follow below steps:
1. Navigate to “C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL”
2. Select all folders starting with name “Microsoft.SharePoint.Client” and delete them all!
3. Finally, Install the PowerShell Module for SharePoint Online: Install-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -force

for more details:
Get-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -ListAvailable | Select Name,Version 
Install-Module Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell 
Uninstall-Module -Name Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell -AllVersions -Force
SharePoint Online: Create Site Collection App Catalog:

Enable App Catalog:
$TenantAdminURL = ""
$SiteCollectionURL = ""
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $TenantAdminURL -UseWebLogin -ReturnConnection  #-Credentials (Get-Credential)
Add-PnPSiteCollectionAppCatalog -Site $SiteCollectionURL

Remove App Catalog:
$TenantAdminURL = ""
$SiteCollectionURL = ""
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $TenantAdminURL -UseWebLogin -ReturnConnection
Remove-PnPSiteCollectionAppCatalog -Site $SiteCollectionURL

list of App Catalog enbaled urls:
$TenantURL =  ""
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $TenantURL -UseWebLogin -ReturnConnection
$AppCatalog = Get-PnPTenantAppCatalogUrl
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $AppCatalog -UseWebLogin -ReturnConnection
$ListItems = Get-PnPListItem -List "Site Collection App Catalogs"
ForEach($Item in $ListItems){
    Write-host $Item.FieldValues.Item("SiteCollectionUrl")
$SiteURL = ""
$AppName = "web-part-client-side-solution"
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -UseWebLogin -ReturnConnection  #-Interactive
#$App = Get-PnPApp -Scope Tenant | Where {$_.Title -eq $AppName}
$App = Get-PnPApp -Scope Site | Where {$_.Title -eq $AppName}
Install-PnPApp -Identity $App.Id -Scope Site

Monday, January 3, 2022

Quick Notes

 Overview of testing:

The testing process includes the following steps:

  • Plan - Review the overall test strategy, develop the test plan, and perform needed analysis for baseline metrics. Identify key business scenarios that are in and out of scope. Document the requirements, if that step has not already been completed.

  • Prepare - Set up needed environments for performance testing, user acceptance testing, and so on. Review data that is received for migration, before and after the migration testing. Validate high-level system requirements, and then develop needed scripts.

  • Execute - Run test scripts, analyze results, identify potential bottlenecks, and then review failures and behaviors.

  • Report - Prepare a detailed assessment of the reporting plan, results, and plan of action

Types of testing:

The solution architect should be part of the discussion regarding the amount and type of testing that is required for a project.

Common types of tests in Microsoft Power Platform include:

  • Unit tests - Performed by the app builder, business analyst, functional consultant, or developer.

  • Functional tests - Verify that the implementation meets requirements.

  • Acceptance tests - Performed by users to give formal approval.

  • Regression tests - Tests the unchanged functions for regression and are typically performed whenever a system update has occurred.

  • Integration tests - The goal is for all integrated systems to work in harmony. Integration testing verifies that everything works together, including integrated services and data from other sources.

  • Performance tests - These tests are verified with expected peak load and peak transaction volume and are typically automated and run before go-live.

  • Migration tests - Practice data migration to ensure data quality. These tests are performed in close consultation with subject matter experts that know the customer data. These experts should understand the data transition and transformation and can confirm that the migrated data is valid with proper context.

  • Disaster recovery tests - A disaster recovery plan is useless if it doesn’t work.

  • Go-live tests - Dry runs of the complete solution and go-live process. These tests are typically performed before go-live.

Not all types of testing will be required; it's determined by the size and scope of the project.

Plan for go-live:

Several activities should be performed prior to go-live:

  • Performance testing
  • Deployment planning
  • Risk assessment
External authentication:

When external authentication is used, credentials and password management are handled by external identity providers. Supported authentication protocols include:

  • WS-Federation and SAML 2.0
  • OAuth2 (Microsoft, Twitter, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Yahoo)
  • OpenID Connect (Azure AD, Azure AD B2C)

Featured Post

Azure AI services | Document intelligence | Use prebuilt Document Intelligence models

Azure AI services | Document intelligence | Use prebuilt Document Intelligence models Source:

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