Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Azure AI services - Explore Computer Vision, Exploring Form Recognition, Optical Character Recognition, Face detection

Explore Computer Vision:

$key = "key"
$endpoint = ""
$img = ""
$headers = @{ }
$headers.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", $key)
$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$body = "{'url' : '$img'}"
write - host "Analyzing image..."
$result = Invoke - RestMethod - Method Post `
          -Uri "$endpoint/vision/v3.2/analyze?visualFeatures=Categories,Description,Objects" `
          -Headers $headers `
          -Body $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
$analysis = $result | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($caption in $analysis.description.captions)
    Write-Host ($caption.text)
Write - Host("`nObjects in this image:")
foreach ($object in $analysis.objects)
    Write-Host (" -", $object.object)
Write - Host("`nTags relevant to this image:")
foreach ($tag in $analysis.description.tags)
    Write-Host (" -", $tag)
Write - Host("`n")

Exploring Form Recognition:



# Create the URL where the raw receipt image can be found

$img = ""

# Create the header for the REST POST with the subscription key

# In this example, the URL of the image will be sent instead of

# the raw image, so the Content-Type is JSON

$headers = @{}

$headers.Add( "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", $key )

$headers.Add( "Content-Type","application/json" )

# Create the body with the URL of the raw image

$body = "{'source': '$img'}"

# Call the receipt analyze method with the header and body

# Must call the Invoke-WebRequest to have acces to the header

Write-Host "Sending receipt..."

$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Post `

          -Uri "$endpoint/formrecognizer/v2.1/prebuilt/receipt/analyze" `

          -Headers $headers `

          -Body $body

Write-Host "...Receipt sent."

# Extract the URL from the response of the receipt anaylzer

# to call the API to getting the analysis results

$resultUrl = $($response.Headers['Operation-Location'])

# Create the header for the REST GET with only the subscription key

$resultHeaders = @{}

$resultHeaders.Add( "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", $key )

# Get the receipt analysis results, passing in the resultURL

# Continue to request results until the analysis is "succeeded"

Write-Host "Getting results..."

Do {

    $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get `

            -Uri $resultUrl `

            -Headers $resultHeaders | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10


    $analysis = ($result | ConvertFrom-Json)

} while ($analysis.status -ne "succeeded")

Write-Host "...Done`n"

# Access the relevant fields from the analysis

$analysisFields = $analysis.analyzeResult.documentResults.fields

# Print out all of the properties of the receipt analysis

Write-Host ("Receipt Type: ", $($analysisFields.ReceiptType.valueString))

Write-Host ("Merchant Address: ", $($analysisFields.MerchantAddress.text))

Write-Host ("Merchant Phone: ", $($analysisFields.MerchantPhoneNumber.text))

Write-Host ("Transaction Date: ", $($analysisFields.TransactionDate.valueDate))

Write-Host ("Transaction Time: ", $($analysisFields.TransactionTime.text))

Write-Host ("Receipt Items: ")

# Access the individual items from the analysis

$receiptItems = $($analysisFields.Items.valueArray)

for (($idx = 0); $idx -lt $receiptItems.Length; $idx++) {

    $item = $receiptItems[$idx]

    Write-Host ("Item #", ($idx+1))

    Write-Host ("  - Name: ", $($item.valueObject.Name.valueString))

    Write-Host ("  - Price: ",$($item.valueObject.TotalPrice.valueNumber))


Write-Host ("Subtotal: ", $($analysisFields.Subtotal.text))

Write-Host ("Tax: ", $($analysisFields.Tax.text))

Write-Host ("Total: ", $($analysisFields.Total.text))


Exploring Optical Character Recognition:

$img = ""
$headers = @{}
$headers.Add( "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", $key )
$headers.Add( "Content-Type","application/json" )
$body = "{'url' : '$img'}"
write-host "Analyzing Image...`n"
$result = Invoke-Webrequest -Method Post `
          -Uri "$endpoint/vision/v3.2/read/analyze?language=en" `
          -Headers $headers `
          -Body $body
# Extract the URL from the response of the Read operation
# to call the API to getting the analysis results
$resultUrl = $($result.Headers['Operation-Location'])
# Create the header for the REST GET with only the subscription key
$resultHeaders = @{}
$resultHeaders.Add( "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", $key )
$body = "{'url' : '$img'}"
# Get the read results, passing in the resultURL
# Continue to request results until the analysis is "succeeded"
Write-Host "Getting results..."
Do {
    $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get `
            -Uri $resultUrl `
            -Headers $resultHeaders | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
    $analysis = ($result | ConvertFrom-Json)
} while ($analysis.status -ne "succeeded")
# Access the relevant fields from the analysis
$analysisFields = $analysis.analyzeResult.readResults.lines
# Print out the text and bounding boxes
foreach ($listofdict in $analysisFields)
    foreach($dict in $listofdict)
        Write-Host ("Text:", $($dict.text), "| Text Bounding Box:", $($dict.boundingBox))
$img = ""
$headers = @{}
$headers.Add( "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", $key )
$headers.Add( "Content-Type","application/json" )
$body = "{'url' : '$img'}"
write-host "Analyzing Image...`n"
$result = Invoke-Webrequest -Method Post `
          -Uri "$endpoint/vision/v3.2/read/analyze?language=en" `
          -Headers $headers `
          -Body $body
# Extract the URL from the response of the Read operation
# to call the API to getting the analysis results
$resultUrl = $($result.Headers['Operation-Location'])
# Create the header for the REST GET with only the subscription key
$resultHeaders = @{}
$resultHeaders.Add( "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", $key )
$body = "{'url' : '$img'}"
# Get the read results, passing in the resultURL
# Continue to request results until the analysis is "succeeded"
Write-Host "Getting results..."
Do {
    $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get `
            -Uri $resultUrl `
            -Headers $resultHeaders | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
    $analysis = ($result | ConvertFrom-Json)
} while ($analysis.status -ne "succeeded")
# Access the relevant fields from the analysis
$analysisFields = $analysis.analyzeResult.readResults.lines
# Print out the text and bounding boxes
foreach ($listofdict in $analysisFields)
    foreach($dict in $listofdict)
        Write-Host ("Text:", $($dict.text), "| Text Bounding Box:", $($dict.boundingBox))


Exploring Face detection:

$endpoint = ""
$img = ""
$headers = @{ }
$headers.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", $key)
$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
$body = "{'url' : '$img'}"
write - host "Analyzing image...`n"
$result = Invoke - RestMethod - Method Post `
          -Uri "$endpoint/face/v1.0/detect?detectionModel=detection_01" `
          -Headers $headers `
          -Body $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5
$analysis = ($result | ConvertFrom-Json)
Write-Host ("`nFrom June 21st 2022, Face service capabilities that return personally identifiable features are restricted.`nSee for details.`nThis code is restricted to returning the location of any faces detected:`n")
foreach ($face in $analysis)
    Write-Host("Face location: $($face.faceRectangle)`n")


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